Aug4 Swimming & Water Safety Instructor
August 4 Brisbane Aquatic Centre Chandler
Service Description
Learn the essential skills to be a swimming and water safety instructor with this comprehensive training program provided by Active Training RTO 40276. From stroke techniques to rescue and survival skills, we'll provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to keep swimmers safe in and around the water. Join us and become certified today.

Cancellation Policy
Active Training, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO no. 40276) is committed to following a Code of Practice ensuring students are provided with quality recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET). Active Training is wholly responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, and for the issuance of the AQF certification documentation. Document Purpose The information in this document has been developed for the purpose of assisting students who are considering undertaking a course with Active Training (or one of our partners), to understand their rights and responsibilities. This document will assist you in making informed decisions about your training. Active Training will undertake to act at all times in an ethical manner. All activities will be carried out honestly, fairly and accurately to give the utmost value to our students. Our commitment to continuous improvement will ensure that students receive quality training and value for money. Educational Standards Active Training adheres to policies and management practices which ensures professional standards in the marketing and delivery of its education and training services, and protects the interests and welfare of students. All trainers are qualified in accordance with the Standards RTOS 2015 and have current, relevant industry experience. Recognised vocational education and training will be delivered using facilities and resources, both human and physical, appropriate to the level and type of training. We will provide individual learning support if required, and upon request, or referral to Learning, Language and Numeracy assessment support elsewhere. We will apply reasonable adjustment to our assessment approaches to account for individual learning needs. Course Information Our website contains all of the course specific information that you will require to make an informed decision about the course you are undertaking. The course specific information will provide you with a summary of the course, assessments and vocational outcomes. Course Delivery Active Training courses may be delivered by way of partnership agreements. The partner organisation has an agreement in place and is authorized to deliver training under the auspices of Active Training. The course fee may be paid direct to the trainer, with no further enrolment fees required to be paid to Active Training in this case. Active Training/Manuals
Contact Details
Sleeman Sports Complex, Tilley Road, Chandler QLD, Australia